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Idaho 99s Visit Historic Round Barn

Cheryl McCord

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Idaho 99s Women Pilots flew to Burns KBNO on October 19, 2024. Pat Jenkins, our member who lives on a ranch in Diamond, OR, invited the Idaho 99s to visit. After lunch in Burns, Pat drove us to the historic Pete French Round Barn near her ranch and gave us a tour.

The Round Barn was built in the early 1880's and was designed as a corral for breaking horses in the cold winters. The Jenkins family purchased the ranch in the early 1920's and used it to store grain and equipment. Then in 1969 the family donated the barn to the Oregon Historical Society and it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The barn was rehabilitated in 1995, and ownership and management was transferred to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Pat's daughter and son-in-law operate the Jenkins Family Museum, visitors center and gift shop near the site.


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